Elks Care, Elks Share.  Become an Elk!!

Thinking of joining the Natick Elks Lodge......:Your First Steps.....

If you know a current Natick Elks Member, contact them and have them take you to the Lodge.

If you don't know a current Natick Elks Member, come by the Lodge when the Lodge is open, ring the bell to gain entry to the Members Lounge and introduce yourself to the bar staff - let them know you are interested in joining they can give you a new member application.  Or you can email the Natick Elks Lodge Secretary at  Our Secretary will make arrangements to meet with you and give you new member application, tell you about our Lodge and give you a tour of our facility.

You can file an application on-line at our Grand Lodge website and we will contact you. 

It’s as simple as that!  The Natick Elks Members Lounge is located on the ground floor.  Membership applications are available there and after spending some time meeting other members, just fill out the application (with your sponsor and co-sponsors information), pay the Elks nominal initiation fee and you are on your way to joining a great Elks Lodge!

An Elks member in charge of new candidates will contact you by phone.  Please be patient.  The entire process generally takes a week or so.


Lodge Secretary - Jeanne Davis:

Lodge Manager - Paul Sanford